Whenever I see a client who is stuck, who lacks purpose and drive or life feels like a drag I often introduce them to the Life Wheel. Although one of the best ways of helping a client like this is by using Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy to understand the cause the Life Wheel is a great exercise and tool for helping them create more balance and success in their life. It provides awareness, clarity and understanding and this enables them to see which areas they need to work on. So as we move closer to 2015 maybe its time to reassess, to have a good look at where you need to focus on the coming 12 months. The Life Wheel can help you have more fun, create balance and find purpose again. So how does it work…


Download Life Wheel Dec2014 Get your pen and paper ready.

Step 1. Assess Where You Are Right Now

Rate your life on each segment of the wheel below, on a scale of 1-10 (1 = lowest level of satisfaction, 10 = highest level of satisfaction). Below are some questions to think over as you do this.

  • Business / Career / Studies – How are you performing in this area? Are you achieving your best? Do you have passion for what you are doing?  Are you on track to where you think you should be?
  • Finance/Wealth – How much is your income/monthly cash flow? Do you have savings? Are they enough? How much are your current assets? Are you comfortable or is life struggle? Do you have financial goals?
  • Health/Fitness – How do you feel? Do you feel healthy? Do you live a healthy life style? Do you get enough sleep? What is your diet like? Are you exercising regularly?
  • Social/Friends – Do you have a good social circle? Friends to hang out with, talk to, confide in, have fun with? Do you have deep connections with these friends? Are you meeting new people?
  • Family – How are your relationships with your family members? Your relatives? Do you talk with them freely? Do you communicate with them openly?
  • Romance/Love – Are you single? Attached? Have you found your life partner/soul mate? Is this the most fulfilling relationship?
  • Recreation – Are you having fun? Are you engaged in leisure activities outside of work? Are you connecting to your creative side?
  • Contribution – Are you giving back to the society and the world?
  • Personal Growth – Are you growing? Are you achieving your highest potential? Are you being the best you can be? Are you pushing yourself outside your comfort zone?
  • Spiritual – How in tuned are you with the universe/your higher self?
  • Self-image – Do you respect yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you believe in your abilities? Do you value what you do? Do you appreciate yourself?
  • Describe why you gave that score to each segment.
  • Mark the scores for each segment on the life wheel diagram.
  • Connect them. You should have a continuous line, like a web, that links across each segment and finally loops back to the original point.

Part 2: Reflection

Now that you have your life wheel drawn, it’s time to do some reflection.

  • What is the shape of your wheel? How does it look? The bigger the web, the better you’re doing. There are  4 general shapes that each represents how you’re doing.
  • Why does your wheel look like this? (List 3 biggest reasons) Whatever your life wheel looks like, it’s not a coincidence. If you had done this assessment a month or two ago, you’d end up with a similar shape. The bigger question is: Why? Read the analysis for your Life Wheel Definitions, then reflect that to your situation. What are the 3 biggest reasons why your wheel looks like this?
  • Which are your lowest scoring areas and why? All 11 segments are equally important in living your best life. Some people may think they can just ignore 3-4 segments and score a 0-1 there – but it doesn’t work that way. Whenever there’s a part of your life that is blocked (or put on hold) a part of you is blocked too. Which segments have the lowest scores? Have you been putting off? Why?
  • Are you happy with your wheel? What if you have to stick with these scores forever? How would you feel? Is this what you want? The first step towards getting somewhere is to first decide that you don’t want to stay where you are. The bigger your level of dissatisfaction, the better.

Part 3: Action

  • What are your biggest priorities moving forward to achieve your ideal 10/10 wheel?
  • What are your biggest actions that will help you achieve your goals?

Set your goals using the SMART Goals technique… Spend as much time as you need to reflect on your current status. Don’t rush this process. The more you reflect and understand how you came to be where you are, the better you’ll be able to address it moving forward.